Out of memory. You will be asked to save changes to your work and then Illustrator will quit.
Nearly out of memory. Please save your files immediately. Free up more memory to continue.
Adobe Illustrator requires LaserWriter file version 3.1 or later.
Can’t print the illustration.
Can’t open the desk accessory.
Not enough memory for Adobe Illustrator to run.
Can’t update the Clipboard.
Can’t show the Clipboard.
Can’t create a new illustration.
Can’t open the illustration.
Can’t create a new window.
Can’t save the illustration.
Can’t print the illustration.
Can’t join the points.
Not enough memory to preview filling or stroking.
An object was too complex to preview, or not enough memory was available to preview it.
Can’t group the objects.
Can’t ungroup the objects.
Can’t cut the objects.
Can’t copy the objects.
Can’t paste the objects.
Can’t clear the objects.
Can’t scale the objects.
Can’t rotate the objects.
Can’t reflect the objects.
Can’t shear the objects.
Can’t move the objects.
Can’t copy the illustration.
Can’t create type.
Can’t create a rectangle.
Can’t create an oval.
Can’t create a definition point.
Can’t change the paint style.
Can’t scissor the path.
Can’t change the type style.
Can’t reduce/enlarge the objects.
Can’t blend the paths.
Can’t average the points.
To join, you must select two open endpoints. If they are not on the same path, they cannot be on text paths nor inside graphs, and if both of them are grouped, they must be in the same group.
Please select two or more points to average.
Can’t place the illustration.
Can’t send the objects.
Please use the scissors tool on a segment or an anchor point (but not an endpoint) of a path.
Please use the add anchor-point tool on a segment of a path.
Can’t operate on the list of designs.
Paths joined by the drawing tools must either be in the same group, or one of them must not be inside any group. The new path has not been joined with the existing path.
Can’t apply changes to the gradients.
The number of blend steps
The blend percentage values
Can’t define a new pattern from the selection.
Please use the blend tool on a selected point of a path.
Please use the blend tool on a selected endpoint of an open path.
Please use the blend tool on two different paths.
Please use the blend tool on two open or two closed paths.
Please use the blend tool on a path that is not a single point.
Please use the blend tool on paths of non-zero length.
Can’t paste or copy objects within that kind of text object.
The clipboard contains an object that cannot be pasted into a text object.
Opened the artwork up to the following error condition:
The illustration doesn’t start with the %!PS-Adobe- comment.
The illustration exceeds an implementation limit.
The illustration contains an illegal or misplaced operator.
The illustration contains an illegal operand.
The illustration ended unexpectedly.
The illustration doesn’t contain the %%BoundingBox comment.
The illustration does not have the correct number of operands for an operator.
The illustration contains an incomplete or garbled object description.
The autotrace color tolerance
The size
The leading
The size and leading increment
The baseline shift increment
The miter limit times the stroke width cannot be greater than 1800 pts. The widest stroke compatible with the miter limit has been substituted.
The minimum width must be less than or equal to the maximum width.
The stroke weight
The miter limit
The dash lengths and spaces
A gap length cannot be zero.
When converting a solid stroke to dashed, or increasing the number of elements in a dash pattern, all new dashes and gaps must be specified.
Tracking and kerning values
The distance
The angle
The scale
The flatness
The note is too long. Notes cannot contain more than 240 characters.
The cursor key distance
The horizontal scale
The paragraph leading
The baseline shift
All indentation values
That name is too long. Please use a name shorter than 31 characters.
That name is already taken. Please use another name.
Please enter a name.
The freehand tolerance value
Can’t create a definition point.
Out of memory, can’t create a path. Please draw a shorter curve.
Can’t create a path. Please draw a shorter curve.
The rectangle corner radius
The width
The height
The height and width
Patterns cannot contain guides.
To define a pattern, the backmost selected object must be a rectangle defining the tile boundary.
Can’t redefine the selected pattern.
Patterns cannot contain anything painted with a gradient fill or a pattern.
Can’t delete the selected pattern or patterns.
Can’t rename the selected pattern.
Graph designs cannot contain text painted with a gradient fill or a pattern.
Patterns cannot contain placed illustrations.
Patterns cannot contain masked objects.
Can’t operate on the pattern set.
Patterns and designs cannot contain graphs.
Can’t remove the only text path(s) from a text object.
No printer has been specified. Please pull down the Ô£ø menu and select a printer from the Chooser desk accessory.
All ink percentages
Can’t rename the custom color.
Can’t make new custom color.
Can’t delete the custom color.
The file was created by a version of the word processor that Illustrator does not support.
The file contains an incomplete or garbled object description.
Can’t import this text file.
Not enough memory to open the illustration.
The trace tool gap distance
Can’t change a progressive color. The color wheel dialog is not available in the System file.
The command was canceled.
Can’t change a progressive color.
You must click on a non-compound, non-masking path to create text inside a path.
You must click on a non-compound, non-masking path to create text along a path.
Can’t create type outlines.
The selection must contain nothing but entire text objects.
The group structure within text objects cannot be changed.
Cropmarks cannot be created from a rectangle that is inside a graph or a text object.
Can’t import styles from that artwork because it is already open.
Internal text edit error: Runs not in same flow
Internal text edit error: Span ends before it begins
Internal text edit error: Operation on untracked span
Internal text edit error: Operation on invalid span
Internal text edit error: Text run or flow has unexpected object state
Internal text edit error: Text run has unexpected parent flow
Internal text edit error: Text flow has no undeleted runs
Internal text edit error: Text object has no undeleted flow
Word spacing values
Letter spacing values
Desired spacing cannot be less than Minimum spacing.
Desired spacing cannot be greater than Maximum spacing.
Part of the selected text has a Desired spacing less than this Minimum.
Part of the selected text has a Desired spacing greater than this Maximum.
Part of the selected text has a Minimum spacing greater than this Desired spacing.
Part of the selected text has a Maximum spacing less than this Desired spacing.
The selection must contain non-empty text objects, and outline files must be available for the fonts in the text.
Nothing done because no linked text objects were selected.
Can’t make a group of objects that are within different groups.
Can’t lock objects that are within an unlocked group.
Can’t hide objects that are within a visible group.
Can’t split a text path into multiple text paths.
The maximum number of actions saved for Undo could not be increased because memory is low.
The selection must contain at least one entire series of data, including its legend box or line, and not within a scatter graph.
The tick marks per tick line must be between 0 and 1000.
Each pie chart must contain all positive or all negative data.
To set cropmarks, the selection must be a single rectangle that isn’t a mask, or no selection at all.
A pie chart must contain non-zero data.
There must be at least one number to graph.
Each stacked column must contain all positive or all negative data.
An area graph must contain all positive or all negative data.
An area graph must contain at least two rows of data.
An area graph cannot display any blank or non-numeric data points.
Can’t type into the graph data window.
Can’t import the graph data.
Can’t set the graph style.
Can’t set the cell style.
One or more columns must be selected to set to a column design.
Can’t edit the graph data.
Can’t re-create the graph.
Can’t set the column design.
Can’t create a graph.
Can’t view the graph data.
The number of decimal places
The default column width
Each repeating design must represent a non-zero number.
The minimum label value must be filled in with a number.
The maximum label value must be filled in with a number.
The value between labels must be filled in with a number.
The maximum label value must be greater than the minimum label value.
The column width is a percentage and
To define a graph design, the backmost selected object must be a rectangle defining the design scaling boundary.
One or more markers must be selected to set to a marker design.
The line width
Can’t set the graph table column width.
Can’t transpose the graph data.
The cluster width is a percentage and
Can’t switch the X and Y of the scatter graph data.
Can’t use the column design.
Can’t use the marker design.
Can’t enter the cell value.
Can’t revert the graph data.
All objects in a compound path must be paths, and they cannot be part of a text object.
Can’t make a compound path.
Can’t make text wrap.
Can’t link a text object that isn’t in a path.
Can’t link an object that isn’t text or a simple path with at least one segment.
Can’t link objects that are within different groups.
Can’t link the objects.
Can’t unlink the objects.
Not enough memory for Adobe Illustrator to edit text.
Can’t edit the type.
Can’t cut the type.
Can’t copy the type.
Can’t paste the type.
Can’t clear the type.
Adobe Illustrator requires Adobe Type Manager version 2.0 or later. You must restart your Macintosh after installing ATM.
Adobe Type Manager couldn’t create outlines for some of the characters.
The outline file for one or more of the fonts couldn’t be found.
Can’t find the outline for some of the characters.
Adobe Type Manager doesn’t have enough memory to create an outline.
Character too big to create an outline.
Couldn’t create outlines for all selected characters.
Can’t make the selection into guides.
Can’t make a compound path of objects that are within different groups.
Can’t make a text wrap of objects that are within different groups.
Can’t kern the first character of a text object.
Please use the delete anchor-point tool on an anchor point of a path.
Please use the convert direction-point tool on an anchor point of a path.
Can’t delete the anchor-point.
Can’t add an anchor-point.
Can’t convert the direction-point.
Can’t link the path into the text object.
Can’t redraw a text object.
A text path object must contain at least two connected points.
Can’t combine an object inside a mask with an object outside the mask.
Guides cannot be created or released within the selected object types.
The selected paths are already part of a compound path.
The selected objects are already part of a text wrap.
A path used as a mask must contain at least two connected anchor points.
The miter limit times the stroke width cannot be greater than 1800 pts. The largest miter limit compatible with the stroke width has been substituted.
Graphs must be entirely within the drawing area. Either specify a smaller graph size, or position it nearer to the center of the artboard.
Text objects must be entirely within the drawing area. Either specify a smaller size, or position it nearer to the center of the artboard.
A compound path cannot combine a mask with an ordinary path.
The requested transformation is too extreme.
The requested transformation would make some objects fall completely off the drawing area.
The transformed text cannot be displayed because the transformation was too extreme.
The requested transformation would make some objects extend beyond the addressable area.
The grid spacing
Can’t save some resource data, but the artwork was saved successfully.
Can’t save preview, but all other information was saved successfully.
Can’t open the artwork from MultiFinder because a placed image could not be found. Please open this document within Adobe Illustrator.
The file name is too long. It must be 255 characters or less.
The selected file is not a text file.
A placed file is nested inside too many folders with long names. Please shorten your folder names or put the file inside fewer nested folders.
A text object shape or wraparound path is too complex. Please reduce the number of control points in it to display it correctly.
There cannot be more than 1,000 tick labels in an axis.
Can’t subscribe to an edition that doesn’t include EPS.
This document contains a garbled subscriber description.
You cannot make changes within a subscriber. You may cancel the subscribers in the subscriber options dialog box.
Can’t create a publisher.
Can’t send the edition.
Can’t cancel the subscriber or publisher.
Can’t set the subscriber or publisher options.
Can’t open the publisher.
Can’t get the edition.
You must be in the Graph Data window to subscribe to a text edition.
The color position
Objects within certain groups inside graphs cannot be sent.
Page dimensions
Can’t change the Document Setup options.
Can’t change the Page Setup options.
The Greek Text Limit value
Can’t fit the text.
One or more paragraphs could not be adjusted enough to fit. Please alter the point size and try again.
Can’t create the gradient fill.
Can’t delete the gradient fill.
Can’t revert the Gradient Fill dialog settings.
Can’t create another gradient fill color.
Can’t set the gradient hilite unless objects share the same gradient vector.
The Undo depth
The leading-hyphen limit
The trailing-hyphen limit
The hyphenated-line limit
Could not convert the clipboard; it has been emptied.
There wasn't enough system memory available to convert the clipboard. The clipboard has been emptied.
Graph designs cannot contain text used as a mask.
Can’t open a new hyphenation exceptions file.
Can’t add the exception word.
Can’t add the exception word because it contains illegal characters. Please remove all numbers, spaces and punctuation (except for hyphens).
Can’t add the exception word because the exception file is full.
Can’t add the exception word because of a disk error.
That word is already in the hyphenation exceptions list.
Can’t remove the exception word.
That word wasn’t found in the exceptions list.
Can’t remove the exception word because of a disk error.
Can’t make mask.
The top selected object must be a path, a text object, or a group of those.
The selection cannot contain objects within different groups unless the entire group is selected.
The current layer for creating objects is locked.
Can’t delete the layers.
Can’t move the layers.
Can’t add a layer.
Can’t set the layer options.
Can’t set the view.
You cannot delete all the layers. At least one layer must be present in any artwork.
Can’t release the guides.
Can’t set the note.
Can’t use the localization file with this version of Illustrator. Please install the latest version of the localization file and try again.
The selection must contain plain path objects that are not already guides.
The selection must contain guides.
Can’t add a custom view.
That name is already taken. Please use another name.
Can’t rename the custom view.
The output resolution
Please enter your name.
That name is too long. Please use 31 characters or less.
Please enter your serial number.
Sorry, your serial number is incorrect. Please reenter it.
Adobe Illustrator can’t run because a copy of Illustrator with your serial number is already in use by
Adobe Illustrator can’t run because there are already
people running copies of Illustrator with this serial number.
Adobe Illustrator can’t run because someone else on the network is using a copy of Illustrator registered to
The Adobe Illustrator application can’t run because it has been damaged. Please reinstall from your master disks.
Objects within graphs cannot themselves be grouped, ungrouped, outlined, linked, joined or averaged.
Please select an object to be moved.
Please select an object to be scaled.
Please select an object to be rotated.
Please select an object to be reflected.
Please select an object to be sheared.
The selection must contain more than one object.
The selection cannot contain text objects that are not inside a path.
The monitor gamma
Can’t rename the selected gradient.
Cannot find text import plug-in.
Can’t lock the objects.
Can’t unlock the objects.
Can’t hide the objects.
Can’t show the hidden objects.
It is not a valid EPS file.
Adobe Illustrator can’t run.
Objects cannot be copied directly in front of the masking object of a masking group.
That graph data value is out of range. The nearest acceptable value has been substituted.
Some data values were out of range. The nearest acceptable values have been substituted.
While reading in the subscriber, some graph data values were out of range. The nearest acceptable values have been substituted.
Can’t move the selection into the new layer.
Objects within certain groups inside graphs cannot be removed from the graph.
A text object used as a mask was too complex to preview.
Objects within certain groups inside graphs cannot be turned into outlines.
The font picker cannot be displayed because you don’t have any Multiple Master fonts loaded on your system.
Closing the Paint Style palette.
Can’t finish previewing.
Can’t initialize the gradient list.
Can’t add more gradient color stops. Use 32 color stops or less.
An object is filled with a pattern that has been transformed too radically to preview.
Please enter a name for this view.
Can’t open the application that created the placed art.
Can’t find the application that created the placed art.
Not enough memory to open the application that created the placed art.